IT (Information Technology) will deliver its greatest value when it becomes invisible to users, when it’s taken for granted.
Nicholas G. Carr, Harvard Business Review
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Helpful Tips

Whether you're looking to outsource or just benchmark your current onsite IT system, it's always best to approach IT from a position of knowledge. Because of this, we provide a number of informative articles to assist you.

Guidelines for Successful IT Outsourcing

Before outsourcing your IT function, educate yourself on the available options. Review this checklist to ensure your IT provider is meeting your needs.

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Ways to Be More Energy Efficient

Houston IT Outsourcing
Did you know there are Houston computer services that can help reduce your company's energy costs? Here are five ways to reduce your energy consumption with utility computing.

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Eliminate the Hassles of an IT Audit

IT Audit
Simplify the task of dealing with an IT audit. Mitigate the time and resources required to survive an audit by transferring responsibility of the infrastructure audit process.

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Quick Computing Tips

Quick Computing Tips
These quick and easy tips cover everything from security tips and advice to remote PC support and the latest business-tested technology tools used by IsUtility® customers.

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Practical technology advice for law firms


In the realm of litigation, this common axiom can be lethal to any battle, where the slightest hindrance in the original plan can mean the difference between winning a case or not.

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Take the hassles out of law firm technology

There's an old saying that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. This can be true when it comes to Houston information technology in the legal industry.

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How being green can cut IT costs

Business Consulting Growth

Experts predict that by 2012, 40 percent of an enterprise's technology budget will be consumed by energy costs. Office temperatures have to be set at cool levels to keep a server running.

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Handling digital oilfield data

Business Consulting Growth

The increased use of new and emerging digital technologies could potentially boost world oil reserves by 125 barrels over the next five to 10 years, according to a study by Cambridge Energy Research Associates.

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IT Energy saving methods

Business Consulting Growth

As a business grows, so does the necessity for energy and technology - and so do the costs in both arenas.

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Nine Outsourcing Tips

IT Checklist

With the constant threat of hackers and hurricanes along the Gulf Coast, it’s not hard to see why executives have turned to outside assistance to help manage their companies’ IT functions.
