Xvand made it an easier process that it would have been otherwise; they were the silver lining in this cloud [Hurricane Katrina]. Everyone's taken care of us in a truly efficient manner.
Andrew Kramer JVF Katrina Victim
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IsUtility Remote Network Monitoring vs. Outsourcing

How does our Houston computer service compare to outsourcing?

As managed IT services gain popularity, more IT consultants are arbitrarily including these "package deals" into their service offerings.

Ideally, a proactive IT vendor should have the expertise and capability to deliver your entire IT system from a secure offsite datacenter. Unfortunately, many IT consultants lack the proprietary expertise to host and support such a utility- type infrastructure.

This typically results in:

  • An ad-hoc solution that houses part of your IT system offsite and part locally - which requires more overhead to maintain and sustain.
  • A so-called "exclusive" network which costs more to support and purchase, is more difficult to support and cannot adapt for future growth

Economies of scale provide a better bottom line for you

Our shared services platform serves hundreds of users worldwide. The economies of scale allow us to provide our customers a more affordable, more secure centralized network.

Our information technology infrastructure and procedures routinely meet the standards of independent third parties like Pricewaterhouse-Coopers and the SEC to ensure the highest level of security. Many of our clients rely on our solution to meet legislative data security standards such as Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA and Gramm-Leach Bliley Acts.