More than 40% of small and medium-sized businesses that use hosted or cloud technology reported revenue rises of 30 % or more while 90 % of respondents not using hosted technology saw decreases in revenue.
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Computer Network Consultants vs. IsUtility

How does our Houston computer service differ from IT consultants?

Our computer network consultants have built your success into our business model. By delivering your entire IT department on a per-user, per-month basis, we guarantee to always have your best interest in mind:
  1. Our month-month contract assures your satisfaction. If not, you can cancel our service at anytime.
  2. Our per-user fee ensures that we don't achieve our business goals until our customers achieve theirs first.
IT Consultants - IsUtility
Reactive. 'Meter' is always running and surprise service charges are commonplace. Computer Network Consultants make money off clients' IT 'problems' which lead to unpredictable costs.
Proactive. Responsible for entire IT lifecycle guaranteeing 99.9% uptime. Client goals are met at our risk. Predictable monthly fee pays for all maintenance.
Relative Cost
High, unpredictable. Volatile costs due to recurrent problems and capital outlays in IT. Plus annual salary increases for IT staff.
One predictable monthly fee. All necessary IT resources and support are delivered on a per month 'utility' basis.
Limited. Not 24/7. IT problems are typically put on hold after-hours or when in-house staff is preoccupied.

Unlimited 24/7 helpdesk. Staffs a team of certified experts knowledgeable in every area of IT expertise.
Biased decision-making. No guarantee that vendor or workload decisions are in best interest of company. Single point of failure for sole practitioners

Client's interest in mind Delivers all hardware, backups and support and constantly upgrades and manages the system to ensure issues are resolved before they ever affect the customer.
No redundancy for equipment or personnel. Typically staffs no more than 1 or 2 individuals.
Fortune 500 level redundant infrastructure. 24/7 suport team is refreshed every 8 hours
RISK - Risk lies with owner. Once equipment is purchased, you are committed to upgrade, secure and maintain it.
30 day month-to-month contract lets you cancel at anytime - unconditionally. Your satisfaction keeps us in business, not contracts