More than 40% of small and medium-sized businesses that use hosted or cloud technology reported revenue rises of 30 % or more while 90 % of respondents not using hosted technology saw decreases in revenue.
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Summary: Health Associates, Inc.

The Challenge:

  • Proposals for new business involved extensive documentation of the network, hampering the progress of RFP preparations

  • Server downtime delayed the process and exchange of critical healthcare data.

  • New business opportunities limited by outdated, non-scalable technology

  • Decentralized IT network resulted in lost documents and facsimiles

The Result:

  • New business opportunities are now more plentiful and easily attainable. RFP’s are composed more easily and efficiently.

  • IsUtility®’s compliant systems and disaster recovery methodologies allay concerns relating to integrity and stability issues.

  • Consistently updated technology and a synchronized work environment allow HAI to foster customer relationships and enhance its service offerings while maintaining a more predictable and cost-effective IT budget.

  • Expansion into new markets attributed to IsUtility®’s inherent mobile capabilities
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New Business Opportunities Attributed to New IT Solution

“I’ve won business over competing firms because of where IsUtility® puts me in the technology world. It has allowed me to focus on something other than systems and information technology.” - Ken Klingensmith, CEO, Health Associates, Inc. Health Associates Case Study PDF

The Challenge: Expansion into new markets

As a service provider to healthcare practices in five states, Health Associates, Inc. must continuously keep abreast the latest patient privacy government regulations, and structure its own recordkeeping system to create a secure environment for its clients. Maintaining data security and integrity is a decisive factor for its clients and prospects. The company’s decentralized computer system did not allow seamless transfer of data – preventing expansion to new markets.

HAI needed to stabilize its work environment in order to make patient data readily accessible – from inside or outside the office. All patient records would be digitalized, and the new system would be fully compliant with the legislative regulations.

The Result: Expansion expedited

Soon after partnering with IsUtility ®, HAI’s IT issues were virtually eliminated. When the occasional minor technical inquiry arises, a live person responds to quickly resolve the issue -- many times directly over the Internet or phone.

Data exchange imperative to success

By utilizing IsUtility®’s HIPAA-compliant technology, Health Associates seamlessly enables secure transfer of confidential patient information between internal employees and physicians and insurance agencies. Important medical documents are recorded and transmitted electronically so employees can account for all data. Employees are networked together and are up-to-date with the latest technology to better equip employees to process claims and bills - ensuring a more consistent and productive work environment.

Health Associates has seamlessly increased its presence into several new markets across the country while drastically reducing overhead technology and personnel costs.